The MYEs are coming really soon. I just had the paper 1s today. Well, I haven't started studying and I don't really know what I should study. So I came up with this
incomplete study plan.

Frankly, it reminds me of the one I did last year. But I've got significantly more time this year.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Study plans can be real life savers.
Kk here's a random video of some of my soccer shots.
I know it's been more than a week since returning from Italy, but I've really been hard pressed for time to blog recently. Well, better late than never eh?Frankly, I can't believe that the trip's over. Just like that, and we're back. I must say though, I really enjoyed myself there. Put aside the unprepared-ness , lack of concentration and all the other stuff, I feel that the trip was a really meaningful lesson. It taught me loads of stuff. Focus, self discipline, courage to stand up. This competition will definitely rooted these values in me. We didn't do the best we could and ended up getting 3rd, so I feel that this is a very big regret. However, I'm quite pleased with the choir. I mean, we were only 46 people, and we realised how small that is compared to the other choirs. So one by one, we rose to sing out more and put in even more effort. And honestly, I feel that the tenors did a pretty good job with the volume, considering there were only 6 of us. Ah well, so all that's left to do is to work harder. Kk photo time.
