Wow, it's already been sixteen years here spent on earth. Granted, there have been many ups and downs. But still, albeit being pretty arduous, the journey has no doubt been very rewarding. Am I happy to be living? Without a doubt. I thank God for all this glory. That I've got awesome friends around me. That I've been to experience all that I have. That I am able to feel.

I have been living like a robot almost all my life, following schedules and plans. Well, this has slowly changed me from a fun human into a stiff robot. But still, at least for today, I get to be human again. It's really amazing how people's wishes and deeds can change oneself :) It's these precious little moments that make life worth living:)
Thank you all for the well wishes :)
Thanks Go Go for being my firm(when needed) mentor and role model. Thanks for the countless fun times together. Thanks for for being the best-est (yes I know my English sucks lol) brother you can be :)
Thanks(Not in order of merit lol) Denise, Bryan, Poh Yi, Zi Feng, Zhen Sheng, Gemonn, Angeline, Charis, Charmaine, Joshua for the card. Thanks Denise and Poh Yi for the present:) More than that, thank you all for being the awesome-est friends you could be :)
Yes I didn't forget Thanks Dwayne for being a cool brudda
And definitely, Thank you Denise, for all the things you've done, big or small, for all the joy that you've provided me with. I'm really thankful for them. I'm really thankful for you :)

All right to end off, here's to you guys, here's to sixteen years of pure awesome, here's to more awesome to come, and here's to God :D