Hi. I wasted another day at BFH again.zzz. Today wasn't a complete waste of time though. I bought another soccer ball and I managed to read 20 pages of da sha.lol.
Well, I just watched 'cotton wool kids' on okto just now and it's a documentary on kids who are 'over-protected'. Seriously speaking, I was quite hooked onto the show as I feel that those kids are like me. I mean, we're all cooped up at home doing nothing even though I have lots more freedom. This set me thinking. What have I been doing all this time? Well, I better be doing lots more. Thank Goodness I have freedom. I should really get started on the holiday homework. But once again, saying isn't doing.zzz.
Dear Lord, our father in heaven, as my brother is (trying to get?)asleep now Lord, I pray that you will provide him with the energy he needs for the examinations, that he can focus well. I pray that you will bless him with a calm mind, void of all distractions and stress Lord, that he may do his best, to shine in this examinations. I pray that you bless him with good memory Lord, so as to remember and apply all that has been taught. I pray that he will be focused, undaunted by the questions and doing his very best. Lord, we know very well that he truly deserves the good grades for all that he has done, and I pray that he will reap a great harvest from all that he has sown. Most importantly, I pray that you will guide him Lord, and let your perfect will be done. All this I pray in your mighty name Lord, amen
Hi. I've been playing lotsa Fifa 06 and BFH lately. I have to admit, it feels great to let loose and have fun, but I feel very irritated knowing that I haven't touched my homework at all. Yea so I guess I should go about doing it soon.zzz
Met Mong in the morning at Bedok. We walked around and looked at stuff. Princess cinema was closed, Macdonalds was packed, and the lan shop didn't allow me to play coz I was in unifrom. So we had nothing much to do after all. Then we went to Long John Silver's and watched a cool video about lazer tag on Mong's handphone!
HOGC will be having our own lazer tag competition.It's uber cool!
OK Next up, choir. It was pretty dry. Kept singing Hana over and over till most of us started to dislike the song. Yea, then we went through The Rose, Come Go With Me and Yesterday. Reynold got me to try the solo for Yesterday, and it was pretty badly done because I screwed up the timing lol.
AYG performance tomorrow. I don't really know how to end a blog post like this so here it goes.