Today was the auditions for all tenors and basses for SYF and everyone was pretty nervous. Before Mr Toh came, we had one and a half hours to practice our parts, warm up our voices and etc. The previous day, my SLs( Jesse and Emmaus)

said that the acoustics in the music room was very bad, they told us to practice in an open field. This was the best we could come up with.

Yep. This is the open space outside the home-econs room. We were split into groups of three, and we all did quite well, with the exception of Jin Yi, who was busy plucking flowers. Then today, when Mr Toh came, he decided to audition the SLs first, and they all did quite well. After a few more people got auditioned, it was my turn. I was with Zhen Sheng(T1) and Jin Yi(T2). We sang the first page of our Chinese song and sacred piece. We did fine. Then, Mr Toh decided to make us do solos and Zhen Sheng started first. He did well, accurate pitching and using technique. Then it was Jin Yi. He would be okay if his voice wasn't so hoarse and airy. When it was my turn, I did okay except for one part when I switched from real voice to falsetto. I forgot to switch back to real voice and the next part of the song was rather low, so I went a little sharp. All in all, I think that we did quite well.
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