Hi. I wasted another day at BFH again.zzz. Today wasn't a complete waste of time though. I bought another soccer ball and I managed to read 20 pages of da sha.lol.
Well, I just watched 'cotton wool kids' on okto just now and it's a documentary on kids who are 'over-protected'. Seriously speaking, I was quite hooked onto the show as I feel that those kids are like me. I mean, we're all cooped up at home doing nothing even though I have lots more freedom. This set me thinking. What have I been doing all this time? Well, I better be doing lots more. Thank Goodness I have freedom. I should really get started on the holiday homework. But once again, saying isn't doing.zzz.
Dear Lord, our father in heaven, as my brother is (trying to get?)asleep now Lord, I pray that you will provide him with the energy he needs for the examinations, that he can focus well. I pray that you will bless him with a calm mind, void of all distractions and stress Lord, that he may do his best, to shine in this examinations. I pray that you bless him with good memory Lord, so as to remember and apply all that has been taught. I pray that he will be focused, undaunted by the questions and doing his very best. Lord, we know very well that he truly deserves the good grades for all that he has done, and I pray that he will reap a great harvest from all that he has sown. Most importantly, I pray that you will guide him Lord, and let your perfect will be done. All this I pray in your mighty name Lord, amen
Hi. I've been playing lotsa Fifa 06 and BFH lately. I have to admit, it feels great to let loose and have fun, but I feel very irritated knowing that I haven't touched my homework at all. Yea so I guess I should go about doing it soon.zzz
Met Mong in the morning at Bedok. We walked around and looked at stuff. Princess cinema was closed, Macdonalds was packed, and the lan shop didn't allow me to play coz I was in unifrom. So we had nothing much to do after all. Then we went to Long John Silver's and watched a cool video about lazer tag on Mong's handphone!
HOGC will be having our own lazer tag competition.It's uber cool!
OK Next up, choir. It was pretty dry. Kept singing Hana over and over till most of us started to dislike the song. Yea, then we went through The Rose, Come Go With Me and Yesterday. Reynold got me to try the solo for Yesterday, and it was pretty badly done because I screwed up the timing lol.
AYG performance tomorrow. I don't really know how to end a blog post like this so here it goes.
Yesterday, I was quite stressed and annoyed because I had to stop revision halfway to prepare for the E Lit skit. Furthermore, there was a Chinese paper that was due. I hadn't even touched it. I started wondered why there had to be an E Lit skit so near our exams and I soon became very negative in everything I did. It had already been a very tiring day, and I wanted to get as much rest as possible. I finished getting the backgrounds and sound effects by 10.45pm.
Beat, I flopped onto my mattress and got comfortable. Before sleeping, I prayed to God for today to be a great day, for everything to go well, for the skit to go well, and for me to have more than enough energy to pull me through the day as I knew I had little time for rest.
Today, I felt energized and for the whole day, the lessons were a breeze. During maths, Mr Seow just went through the 2008 paper and gave us a new one. During E Lit, the skit went great! Then during Chinese, Ms Lim just went through the answers and I copied them down. Yea and Malay was just rather slack.
All my prayers were answered and I was blessed with more than I asked for. Glory be to God!
The exams are coming soon. I could have done much more for the mid year exams than I have and I really I don't wish for the same thing to happen again this time around. Maybe it's time to grow up and sort out my wants, needs and responsibilities. I really need to lay off the games. This can't go on or soon enough, it will take an even heavier toll on my results. Merely saying it won't change anything. I got to take action soon, or I'll regret this.
Yesterday was a great day, except for one incident that ruined it a bit. Okay actually quite a lot. Well I shall go in chronological order I guess. lol. Erm first I got back my English comprehension test result. I was expecting a 13/20 or something. But instead, I got 16/20!WHOO!lol.Plus, I got an awesome sticker from Mrs Koh on the paper. Yea so the test really turned out great.heh.
Next up,it's the assembly. I was expecting some boring assembly like listening to I dunno, some teacher talk? But noooooo. Instead it was a worship session. Something I've been longning for for such a long time. Furthermore. it was performed by our very own students! We sang One Way! That really made my day even better. Afterwards the pastor started preaching about fire and chickens. I think Phyllis was so touched she cried. Well, it was great!
Okay, here we go for the bad thing that happened.
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Okay well, after the assembly, we went for lunch because we had Australian Maths Competition afterwards. While we were eating, two sec 2 basketballers started fighting. It was really bad. The food flying, shirts torn, buttons broken and stuffz. Even the table flipped over.The whole canteen stopped to watch. Yea when it was over, I felt real i dunno. I dunno what I felt lol.yea so that's the bad thing.
This week shall be a tiring week for me. I'll have to stay back after school everyday.
Monday-Went to friend's house Tuesday- Choir batch practice Wednesday-Went to friends house Thursday-Choir batch practice Friday-Choir Saturday-Choir
Oh gosh. I'll be very drained. furthermore, i've not even started revising for next Tuesday's Chinese common test. I hope I'll have enough time. Well Yea I'm tired now, so I'll go to sleep. Sorry for the short post.
I figured that I wouldn't be able to blog as often as I would like to, so I'll blog on my hand phone then transfer it to the computer.
Well here goes: Choir Of late, I've been feeling pretty demoralised and worried. As I heard the SYF recording again, I heard a different AHS choir. What I heard was a choir that put in their heart and soul into the music and worked their finger to their bone to perfect it. Right now, this scene seems so distant from the present AHS choir. Sometimes I even wonder whether SYF was just a dream. We've got to get it together, one way or another.
Reading the bible I've been reading the bible on the way to school everyday. I have to admit, while it was interesting and fruitful, I also felt very tired. One day, I came to Acts 5:1-11.
Acts 5:1-11 1Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. 2With his wife's full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles' feet.
3Then Peter said, "Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God."
5When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. 6Then the young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him.
7About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 8Peter asked her, "Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?" "Yes," she said, "that is the price."
9Peter said to her, "How could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also."
10At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.
When I read this, I faced a problem. I was seriously confused and lost. I didn't know why God had to punish Ananias and Sapphira so harshly. I even started to doubt God's ways, question his actions. But thank God I found the answer (If you are interested in the answer, here it is) If Ananias and Sapphira died for this sins, I wouldn't know how many times I would have died. I started to think if I was worthy enough for God. I asked Him the question, and immediately, he told me this.
'I am the father, and you are the child. If the son goes astray, the father will do all in his power to lead him back, as he is worthy. As the father would do to the child, I will do the same to you.'
Immediately, my question was resolved. Hallelujah!
Extra stuff
You Reign
What could stand before You As You chose to embrace A cross so undeserved You took for me The weight of sin upon You When You offered Your life As You walked the streets of men With fading strength
How could we live but not see Your sacrifice Your glory
You reign, You reign Over everything Lord, You reign With power, and justice divine Over everything Lord, You reign
What was Your last thought As You drew Your last breath Where the victory was Yours for us to see And all will know the truth As we live by Your grace Every praise to You alone
See now the King of Glory Love of God become my calling Father I surrender all I am to You forever
From the inside out
A thousand times I've failed Still your mercy remains And should I stumble again Still I'm caught in your grace
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame my heart and my soul, Lord I give you control Consume me from the inside out Lord Let justice and praise become my embrace To love You from the inside out
Your will above all else, my purpose remains The art of losing myself in bringing you praise
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame In my heart, in my soul, Lord I give you control Consume me from the inside out Lord Let justice and praise become my embrace To love You from the inside out
Chorus 2x Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise From the inside out Lord, my soul cries out
What is Tenor?What was Tenor?What is Tenor to be next time?
'The tenor is a type of male singing voice and is the highest male voice within the 'modal register'-wikipedia
Although I'm not what a tenor is supposed to be,I have to step up and anchor Tenor, as everyone in Tenor is supposed to.
Since my brother's time, Tenor has been a string section. But somehow, tenor has deteriorated to the state it is today. This is all because the Anglican High Choir works in this lousy way. Each section will have a few very good people to support the section, and the rest can be terrible singers, but it won't matter,because they won't contribute to volume. But the fact now is that the number of anchors are decreasing and no one is willing to step up. That is the real reason why Tenor has detiriorated so badly.
I really hope that everyone in the section can be equally good, so that if one day an anchor should fall, the members can rise up to maintain the standard. I pray that everyone will be anchors, so our performance won't keep fluctuating.
It is really time to step up,Tenors. This is the deciding moment,more important than SYF.It's time to grow up.
I'm back again. Really quite drained of my energy. So drained that I don't even bother typing in full sentences anymore.
Well, at least I managed to catch Pastor Troy for service:)It was great!A really powerful service.yea He talked about the covenant with God and it was really inspiring.It is true.You take one step towards God, he takes ten towards you.
I'm so tired now maybe I'll use the cheating tactic to make my post seem longer.More paragraphs.heh.
Well The Anglican High School concert is on June 30th.That's 7 days to go. Things are taking shape. If all goes well, the concert will be a blast.I hope it will.For those who don't know, the concert is at the Esplanade,7.30-9.00pm. Tell me if you want tickets.
I'm ending this post with a bible verse. Hopefully this will help anyone reading this.
Isaiah 40:31 (New International Version) 31 but those who hope in the LORD
Well, the elections are finally over, and Ashley and Max took over as SLs.
I guess I really don't want to be SL yet, since I said that.What great relief.Congratulations to everyone who got their new posts,especially Ashley who saved my life.However, though I managed to escape from being an SL, I still couldn't escape Mr Toh's clutches.lol.So I'm under-studying for music committee with Angeline, Joshua, Poh Yi and Alcavie.Hooray!My wish came true!I can actually continue to be a normal memberof Tenor.Moreover, I'll be learning under the direction of Mr Toh.Great!
Hey, I'm back. It's been a very busy, quick, and energy-sapping 25 days. Just when the opportunity came for me to rest during the June holidays, BANG, I collided with holiday homework and choir practices and what not.
Four books to read, one composition, preparation for the choir concert on 30th June, I wonder if this is beyond me. But since everyone else would be experiencing the same thing, perhaps even more, I suppose I can pull through and survive the massacre. Well, this few days has not exactly been that bad, since I managed to catch the Red Rain Concert with Carmen and Peggy at HOGC, and Chawit too, managed to check HOGC out.
Yea, so on the whole, this few days weren't as bad as I thought it would be. And considering that my parents object me going to HOGC, I am rather thankful for the opportunity to go there. I don't know how many more times I can get to go again.zzz.
Well, there's choir tomorrow and I'm supposed to prepare a three minute speech on why I'm running for the position of Tenor section leader because someone apparently nominated me. Seriously speaking, I'm not really keen on becoming an SL. If given the chance, I would definitely choose to learn under the SLs and be a normal choir member. I don't think I have the courage or capabilities to lead Tenor. I'd rather just be a member of †enor and do my best.
Honestly,the interview with the committee members was ok, up to the point where they asked the question.
"Pin Hao, do you want to be SL?"
I pondered for a while, thinking whether I should tell the truth or not. I was never really a good liar, so in the end I said no. To some people, this decision might seem weird. Why would anyone run for a position run that they didn't want? But I was forced, in a way, so I ran for SL. It's like, A mother hitting her child though she didn't want to. She had no choice. I don't think I have one either. I'm not trying to be proud or anything, but sooner or later, I am bound to become SL. The only question is WHEN I would become one. So in a way, I'm volunteering to be forced, but at the same time withdrawing because I'm afraid I would cause the downfall of Tenor.
I know this seems rather complicated, but does anyone want to help me with what I should say for the speech?lol.
In the book of 2nd Chronicles 16:9, it is said that God keeps close watch over the world, giving strength to those who are loyal to him.
2 Chronicles 16:9 "The LORD keeps close watch over the world, to give strength to those whose hearts are loyal to him. You have acted foolishly, and so from now on you will always be at war."
In the book of 2nd Kings 2:7-8, it is said that fifty prophets followed Elijah and Elisha to Jordan. Elijah then separates the water to cross to dry land.
2 Kings 2:7-8 "And fifty prophets followed them to Jordan. Elijah and Elisha stopped by the river, and the fifty prophets stood a short distance away. Then Elijah took off his cloak, rolled it up, and struck the water with it; the water divided, and he and Elisha crossed to the other side on dry ground."
How was it that Elijah could separate the waters? It all had to do with the anointing of God, as through him, all things are possible.
"The Bible tells us that after crossing the Jordan, Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan where they laid siege to the city of Jericho. God spoke to Joshua telling him to march around the city once every day for six days with the seven priests carrying ram's horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day they were to march around the city seven times and the priests were to blow their ram's horns. This Joshua did, and he commanded his people not to give a war-cry until he told them to do so. On the seventh day, after marching around the city the seventh time, the priests sounded their ram's horns, and Joshua ordered the people to shout. The walls of the city collapsed, and the Israelites were able to charge straight into the city. The city was completely destroyed, and every man, woman, and child in it was killed. Only Rahab and her family were spared, because she had hid the two spies sent by Joshua. After this Joshua burned the remains of the city and cursed any man who would rebuild the city of Jericho at the cost of his firstborn son."
Only if we cross Jericho, will we be able to get to Jordan. What is your Jericho? Well, I suppose mine would be the religious battle with my parents. We went into a great conflict because of this and I came out at the losing end, having to forgo church until I am done with my studies.
But today God told me something.
"Although it seems that you have lost the battle, which might be true, you have not lost the war. The war is only lost when you give up."
I only realized the fact after hearing this. How true this is. Will you give up the war because you lost the battle? I will not, I will continue to fight this war after I have re-grouped and re-energized my forces. Hopefully, we won't need to settle the problems in such an ugly way. At least, I am not in this alone, for there are many other people dedicated to Christ too, and we have not lost the war just yet. I will get to Jordan.
These past few days have been really exhausting, due to the overwhelming amount of homework I have to do, the studying of tests and lots of other stuff. To make matter's worse, I constently give myself unnecessary stress and pressure, breaking out in cold sweat for no particular reason, to the point that I almost hyperventilated.
Well, I'm definitely beginning to feel the fatigue building after the SYF. Well, hopefully we'd all be able to cope with our studies and at the same time, find time to relax and unwind. If not, we'd just overwork ourselves and go into depression or something.
At the very least, there is some one there to take away all our burdens, so why not pour your heart out to him and enjoy life? After all, life is about changes and how we respond to them. That in itself, is brilliance.
I've just recovered(not fully) from my fever today and tomorrow's already the mid-year exam paper one. I'm definitely feeling the heat and stress, mostly because I'm very afraid that I might not do well. I feel even more afraid than I was for PSLE. I don't know what's up with me these few days. I pray tomorrow's topics will be something I know how to write about. Actually, it will be an achievement if I even manage to finish the two parts on time. Nevertheless, I am thankful for a great family there to support me, for I would have crumbled long ago if it wasn't for them. I've not crumbled yet, please LORD, don't let me start now,please...
Yesterday was the SYF Central Judging competition and I have to admit, it was really very fun and enjoyable! The whole experience was really a rollercoaster ride.
In the morning, right after assembly, we already started choir. We warmed up, practiced the songs, got changed and ate a super early lunch at 10 am. Then, Mr Toh came! He practiced with us and we did Ave Maria humming with our eyes closed in the dark. It was really cool!
Afterwards, we went to Victoria Concert Hall and practiced in the rehearsal room. We were really really tense, but it got better as we relaxed. Mr Toh told us to focus on him, and nothing else. We waited to go on stage for maybe about 15 minutes and it seemed forever, but the time finally came and we went on stage. We savored the moment, as one choir, one body. We performed the songs and it was magical!
After the performance, we went off stage and changed into our uniforms, home clothes etc. and went to eat. Done eating, we reached Victoria Concert Hall at 5.10 p.m, we waited for the rest to come. We went into the concert hall first to get seats for the results. Eventually when the rest reached, there wasn't enough space for them anymore, so Gemonn, Joshua and I gave up our seats for them. The person announced the results and VS choir got Gold with Honours too! The sop ones screamed and we were all like 'lol'. When it came to our turn, we were anticipating a gold or a silver, but we got Gold with Honours! Naturally we were all freaking happy.
The Celebration We tried to tau pok Mr Toh but he insisted that we couldn’t, so we didn't. However, we did tau pok someone else. It was the Impeccable Cornelius! We did lots of crazy stuff, because we said we'd do them if we got Gold with Honours. Therefore, Zhen Sheng had to jump into the pool, Gemonn had to kiss Terence, Joshua and Zi Feng had to slap each other 15 times and we did lots of other crazy stuff. The most memorable scene, however, was surrounding Mr Toh and singing Ubi Caritas to him. It was the best!
This post is going to be rather short because I need to study for my upcoming chinese test. Well, today will be the day before SYF, the last 24 hours before the real thing starts. Let's just hope that we would be able to give it our all. After all we've gone through, I really believe we can do well. Let's not do it for the prize, let's do it for the fun in making brilliant music! One shot, no regrets, let's do it!CHIONG AH!
Today was a good day, although there were two tests. Well first up was English. I had to write a News Report about a guy who got ran over by an MRT train. It was all right. Better than I expected in fact, considering that I didn't study for it. Yeah than there was the Mathematics test which everyone claimed to be 'very difficult' but to tell you the truth, it wasn't actually that difficult. Except for question 4b, where my first answer was (4x+1) or something like that. Many people can't see this, but it can be further factorised into (2x+1) (2x-1). I almost got tricked, but I saw it in the end.
Next up, there was choir. The first half of it was rather slack, because we had tenor sectionals (For those of you who didn't know, tenor sectionals has always been very slack).Then when Mr. Toh came, we headed back to choir room to do the songs. We sang White Horses, Ave Maria and 苗家少女. It actually turned out quite well, and we even gave him 'Goosebumps' for Ave Maria. See, we can retain what we learnt if we just put our heart and soul into it. Yup, we still have 9 more days to SYF, so we have to 'Chiong like no mother' quoted from Young Yee.
Oh Boy! This year's April Fool's day has got to be the worst day of my life! Our Trainee teacher, Mr Jonathan Shyong has left 2B and choir was screwed up today.
Science Lesson Before the period, we went to the empty class next door to hide. Then when Mr Shyong came in, we surprised him with our party poppers and gifts. Bet he didn't know what hit him, haha. Actually, he has been with us for quite some time already. He was supposed to leave long ago, but the school decided not to let him leave yet. We didn't know, so previously, there were two farewell surprises prepared for him too. LOL. Anyway, thank you Mr Shyong for teaching us Precision of instruments, Kinematics, Dynamics. Really appreciate it.
CHOIR It started out pretty well in the AVT, but Jesse didn't come today. We had warmups, then Mr Toh came and conducted us. He was very angry/frustrated because:
1.people were not focused 2.Bass ones couldn't sing right notes 3.He squeezes out precious time to conduct us and improve, but we did badly 4.Lastly, of course, we didn't perform up to standard.
Therefore Mr. Toh got super angry and he just left, saying that his mood was destroyed by us.Then Cornelius(president) told us to reflect on ourselves, on whether we've been performing up to standard, maintained good discipline etc. I reflected, and man I fail!!!The worst part is, there are people who are worse than me. Dang it. 15 Days left people. It's either we do it properly and live with no regrets or do it wrongly and live with regrets.
Well, SYF is really close now, just a few more weeks and like less than ten practices. Wow, that's really fast. Since there are only less than ten practices left, we are rather pressed for time.
Seriously, I hope that we would be able to do well in this year's SYF, like get maybe a gold or something. I do not wish for the past to repeat itself, like the VCH performance last year, where everyone was nervous, unprepared and stuff. It was really a failure.
Therefore I wish for the best in SYF. Although SYF is not the main aim of the AHS Choir, we still wish to be able to do well and show others what we can do.
Like Mr Toh said, competition standard is not enough; we have to be at performance standard. The reason is because for competition standard, a choir would just have to get the technical parts right and it would do well. However, in Performance standard, a choir has to be able to capture the hearts of the audience who are listening.It's just like telling a story or painting a picture.
My mother told me today that Christianity is like ice on the road. The more you go to church, the more your belief in Christ will grow, just as how ice thickens when you don't clear it up. And when all the ice thickens, it will be very hard to break it.
So I told her,’ What’s the point of clearing the ice when you know very well that it will settle on the road again?'
She only said' That's why you have to persevere.'
Persevere? Against what? A picture began to form in my mind after what she said.
In the picture, I visualized the ice forming on the road, and how a person struggled to stand on the ice. The ice thickened, growing taller and taller everyday. The man wanted to give up, but he decided to keep going. When he reached the top, God was there, smiling at him. He held his hand tightly and hugged him.
Imagine what would have happened if the person cleared off all the ice or if he decided to give up.
Today I went to Heart of God Church in Paya Lebar with my brother. For a very long time, he has been telling me about how great the church was, and I could only imagine how good it was in my head. Only today, after really going there myself, did I realise how great it really is.It was really a rock concert, nothing like All Saint's Church in Anglican High School.
Today I learnt some things:
Proverbs 27:7
When you are full, you will refuse honey, but when you are hungry, even bitter food tastes sweet.
This shows that one will be happy as long as they are satisfied
2. Christianity is NOT Communism
Christianity: many rich, no poor
Communism: no rich no poor
3.Poverty is a mentality. People can be rich but still live in poverty
4.James 2:15-16
Suppose there are brothers or sisters who need clothes and don't have enough to eat. What good is there in your saying to them, "God bless you! Keep warm and eat well!"-If you don't give them the necessities of life?
To end off, if anyoneone wants to come to Heart of God Church, just tell me and I'll try to bring you there.
Wow, time flies(at approx. 1,000,000,000 miles per second). Only a few more practices stand between now and SYF.
Actually right now I'm not really concerned about getting into SYF, because if I'm not one of the best, then I don't wish to pull down the standard of others who deserve it. I'll just have to focus on improving my tone, the way I sing and my songs, then all improvements shall be heard during combines.
I still remember SYF 2007 in Griffiths Primary School Guitar Ensemble. We got silver and we were quite happy. Too bad, we cannot afford a silver in Anglican High School. We have to continue our seniors legacy of Gold With Honours. We have to do justice to the hard work they put in, do justice to ourselves, and of course most importantly, do justice to the Anglican High School Choir.
Please Grant me the strength to overcome these hectic times and allow the choir to power through smoothly.
I figured that I would tell you about my weekdays (Applies to all weekdays)
Mondays I don't really like Mondays as the laziness from Sunday hasn't died off. I reach home late because of choir, but that is not a bad thing. Actually I look forward to choir.
Tuesdays One of my favourite days of the five days as I reach home at like 2.00pm so I have more free time.
Wednesdays One of the two longest days in the five days. I sort of like Wednesdays because there is P.E , Maths , Science and History.
Thursday The second of the two longest days in the five days. Quite a boring day. 1.5 hours of Chinese and 1.5 hours of Home Economics.
Friday One of the fun-est days in the five days. There is History, Music, Maths, Science, ACC. After that there is choir. Mr Toh comes on Fridays and Saturdays. After that when I reach home I can play.
Today, my teacher gave the class a worksheet to do. I was supposed to write about my own ambition, but I had no idea of what it was. I've thought of many things in the past.Being a Soldier, Soccer Player,or even a Computer Game Designer. However, I feel that I do not fit into these occupations even if I like them. This is so frustrating. Maybe I'll just make up stuff and write it on the worksheet.Sigh. When I was much younger, it was much easier to think of an ambition. Maybe I think too much.
I've lost my bearings, I've derailed from the right track, please give me some time to get back on the right track. I don't know how long I'll take, but still, I hope to get back up on my feet.
I don't think I'm ready, leave me alone for some time. I'll try to get back to the right track again.
Hi again. I haven't really posted for quite some time. It’s not because I'm busy or anything, but I just don't know what to write about. Thank SYF for reviving my blog. Mr Toh said that there would be yet another round of auditions.
Well, this could mean two things: 1. A chance to do better than before. 2. Screwing up my opportunity to get into SYF.
Of course I want the first option, I mean who wouldn't? Well whether I get into SYF or not, It all depends on the audition.
Oh well, I guess I'd better get over and done with. I'll just give it my all and pray for the best.
Today was the auditions for all tenors and basses for SYF and everyone was pretty nervous. Before Mr Toh came, we had one and a half hours to practice our parts, warm up our voices and etc. The previous day, my SLs( Jesse and Emmaus)
said that the acoustics in the music room was very bad, they told us to practice in an open field. This was the best we could come up with.
Yep. This is the open space outside the home-econs room. We were split into groups of three, and we all did quite well, with the exception of Jin Yi, who was busy plucking flowers. Then today, when Mr Toh came, he decided to audition the SLs first, and they all did quite well. After a few more people got auditioned, it was my turn. I was with Zhen Sheng(T1) and Jin Yi(T2). We sang the first page of our Chinese song and sacred piece. We did fine. Then, Mr Toh decided to make us do solos and Zhen Sheng started first. He did well, accurate pitching and using technique. Then it was Jin Yi. He would be okay if his voice wasn't so hoarse and airy. When it was my turn, I did okay except for one part when I switched from real voice to falsetto. I forgot to switch back to real voice and the next part of the song was rather low, so I went a little sharp. All in all, I think that we did quite well.
Today,something very dumb/noob/ridiculous happened.I lost my pencilcase in a rather weird way.This incident occured at the Spring Rhapsody Lab,at 14 03 hrs.The last period for the day was Higher Chinese,and our teacher told us to bring our pencilcases and our newspaper(逗号)into the computer lab.We had to give our views on hazing(taupok,mango,keropok,pillar)and it was rather interesting.Then,out of the blue,terror/noobiness struck when the lesson ended.We were all packing up and preparing to leave the lab.All of a sudden,this guy(name will not be disclosed)decided to take my newspaper and run around the lab with it.After I had gotten back the newspaper,I forgot about the pencilcase,which was still lying on the table,and left the lab.How noob is that?I hope I find my pencilcase because precious memories are kept in it.A reward of 10 cents might be offered if anyone finds my pencilcase(not that these memories are only worth ten cents)
This evening,my father came back from Malaysia.He asked me to buy a packet of peanuts for him,but I hesitated because I was learning my chinese spelling.Seeing that I was busy,my father asked my brother,who was using the computer at that point in time,to buy the peanuts.At that time,I felt really guilty. I was using the computer the whole day and I only started doing my homework at night.My brother was studying since he reached home and he only had one hour to use the computer.So I felt bad wasting a portion of his precious one hour of computer time.So,I decided to follow him to buy the peanuts.On the way,he told me lots of stuff,and told me why he was there for me.He said that he was there for me to help me spring the booby traps and plow through the road blocks in my life.This really made me very thankful for a good brother such as him. This experience would not have been possible without the packet of peanuts.
I'm back from celebrating CNY in Malaysia.It was a blast,with fireworks and firecrackers and all the wonderful food.Here are two videos of the fireworks!
There was also the visiting and the receiving of many red packets from friends and relatives.Here is a video of my cousin.
Happy Chinese New Year Eve everyone.As CNY approaches,I suppose we should reflect on our actions in the past and be thankful for the friends who helped us along the way.Well these reflections made me remember this song.
The Fray-You Found Me
Well then I guess you guys should know that friends are very important,so we should really treasure them. Actually,even if the people we meet are not our friends,(i.e enemies)we should treasure them too because we meet them for a particular reason,either to help them,or to ask them for help.well either way,the important thing here is to treasure them,because they will help you a lot in life.